Monday, May 24, 2010

LOST? Guidance and Inspiration Await You…

I don’t know about the rest of you, but I am still reeling from last night’s series finale of LOST! Some fans were completely satisfied with the closing of this epic series, while others are left with questions and confusion. Despite anyone’s feelings about how the show’s ending, at least one message sings loud and true: there comes a time when we must all simply let go, pay tribute to the people and places we love, embrace life’s little surprises, and appreciate the beauty around us. And let’s be honest, that island was pretty darn gorgeous when you look past the polar bear, smoke monster, and endless mysteries…

So, why not turn our attention from “the island” to the idea of a fun island-inspired summer wardrobe?!

I know, I know, it sounds like a petty or materialistic jump. However, I’ve been thinking recently about the ease of dress that comes with pretty much any island lifestyle as well getting very excited to don some summer colors straight from the palette created by nature on a tropical island, so somehow this seems like the right time to discuss summer wardrobe inspirations.

My visions of bright, fresh and easy looks expanded even more after talking with one of our loyal Fly Girls, Andrea. Always striving for the fun and unique, Andrea told me that each summer she picks a theme for her wardrobe; last year was “Mermaid” and this year is “Miami” (the runner-up was “1930s”). I couldn’t agree more with her that summer is a great time to really have fun and create a new signature look! And what better way to pay tribute to someone or some place than developing a style in their honor? Sounds like fun to me! Just pick an appropriate color palette, fabric, and/or texture and thread it throughout your summer pieces and I promise you’ll quickly be able to evoke your inspired theme.

So, Andrea’s theme is “Miami,” mine is looking like it will be "Island," and others have said theirs will be everything from “English garden” or “Leather & Lace” to “Southwest,” “80s” or “Butterfly.” What will yours be? What person, place, era or object will you weave into your summer look? Stop by and see our ever-expanding and changing summer stock, we’ll help you find your inspiration… and without any confusion or crises of faith, like some of our friends from Oceanic Flight 815.


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